Dorthe Dalgaard Johansen was born 14 September 1941.
She worked as a translator in English, French and German for BP Gas.
This is my new Mom-in law. She is a wonderful, intelligent and kind woman that I am thrilled to be related to. She has a quiet gracefulness in her that lends to her charm and openness. She welcomed me into her home long before Søren and I were involved. Always making the rooms a little warmer when I visit, a pot of coffee to talk over and news about the landscape. Deer eating the flowers is a sign of summer; When the heather is finished blooming, Fall has arrived.
Dorthe lives at Thorsø where her father built the first part of the house, then used as a summer home, from salvaged materials after WWII; Everything from floorboards to the nails in the walls. The summer home stayed in the family after his passing and an addition to the house was built on in 1990, when the family decided to move into the expanded summer home as their residence year round. The property goes right to the lake and has a beautiful view from the back porch where summer breakfasts are held. It is where Søren and I want to hold our reception. It is a
very special place to me though I have such a short history with it. Dorthe is in her element at this beautiful place in the world...
She has won the annual championships 4 times in the last 7 years and she is running out of wall space ;-). The summertime brings a great number of her friends back into town and the nights are filled with games and wine and laughter for months.