Thursday, February 19, 2009


Went up north for the weekend. 3 bridges and 3 hours later we arrive in Århus for our


Day treat of spending a few hours in Den Gammel By (The old city). The main purpose of course besides the photography was to obtain our favorite honey-heart cookies that are baked (we hope) fresh from the old time bakery they have there. They can be many sizes, but our favorite ones are about the size of our hand and they all come with pictures of angels pressed into the chocolate coating on top.

The next morning we woke to a white landscape across the land and lake.. it snowed all day and was perfect perfect perfect for building with snow. I could not help myself and decided to have at it as the temperature could

change and close the window for fun. I began with the traditional balls of snow for bulk and ended up with a mass slightly shorter than my 5ft. 3. Hand sanding and carving from there ended up with a rough shape of a dog and I gave up the rest when friends came over for coffee and a chat. the results are still nice though I think you can see that I will be going to Australia soon.


or kangaroo? You choose. :-)

Monday, February 02, 2009

F-F-February at 56°00 'N

The countdown begins.

The worst of the winter months has arrived in Denmark. Although we have already had 3 months of grey, cold weather, this month is the final test. The coldest, greyest, wetest, most depressing and least loved- as well as the shortest (with good reason). Winter blues are hitting hard and as the country is abraded by ice and wind and dark, Hubs and I are taking 3 weeks in Australia. It is exotic, it is warm, it is dangerous and there will be adventure this winter. The sunlight will dislodge the dustbunnies of gloom from our brains make them sparkle with joy. Woohoo, Yipee, La-la-la-la- SNAKE! Hehe, Haha, yeehaa- SHARK!

Okay, cautious joy then.

Until you have lived with long dark winters (Alaska, you hear me) you have every reason to scoff at this mamby pamby mood "disorder". Those of us that have, however, mutually scoff at those that have such a dismisal of the effect of one's environment. And just one winter doesnt count Im afraid. Surviving it once is almost unnoticeable. Having 13 of these cycles under my belt weighs a ton and makes my knees buckle and boy I'm ready to travel light. har har

Lets see how the packing goes.. and the 24 hour flight. :-P