This visit, as with our last, two weeks ago, has been filled with many enjoyable projects. Barter, trade and recycle is the best way out here.
The blackberry bushes that grow along the lake path have clawed, scratched and stung their last battle this season, rewarding with fat berries to only the most determined of foragers. I am the proud Blackberry Queen, finding buckets where only few were guessed to remain. haHA! I made a wonderful blackberry syrup with the batch freshly picked, thick and sweet and smooth to accompany husbands delicious danish style pancakes for this mornings breakfast.
Last visit, Dorthe required better satellite reception so Chris, a friend from the area, came and cut down a pine and a fir tree. I got inspired and got my pick of material to practice and learn wood carving with. My first project is a yard gnome about 2 feet tall. Ambitious but delightfully challenging. First tests with wet wood have taught me that I need better tools. A few gauges of curved chisels, V- chisels and a small chain saw will be aquired and hopfully in the near future I will post progress on that one.
Helle and Mohammad have a beautiful yard and offered me the use of their lavender so I could make "lavendel pind" or lavender bottles for the girls. Simple, charming and gorgeous smelling decorations for linen cabinets or lingerie drawers.
Besides that, they have a new litter of kittens, two of which I have come to ferry to Copenhagen as a birthday present to a close friend of mine who is anxious and impatient to receive. I'm getting daily photos from LOLcats and name proposals (though last I saw of the kitties they were too young to tell their gender).
Fall is good, life is good and Subi-dog is having a blast out here.
Love from DK