So we have 7 days under our belt and the routine is starting to take shape. I have to say I'm impressed with this little personality. She is a sturdy puppy and hardly seems effected by being corrected. Some pups act as though you've killed them, but no, not our Subi. She could care less really most of the time. Besides taking correction pretty well, she actually learns and listens. She's doing it all pretty fast.
Potty training is nearly there (note to self, repeat 90 times).
She sits on command, though to be fair she prefers sitting calmly and watching you so that one was easy.
Dæk (danish for lie down, kinda like "hit the deck")- she's done a few successful repetitions of this one without many clues. Repeat 30-90 times.
Come- she doesn't focus when there are other dogs around but she is pretty good at stopping whatever she is doing and coming back to get a good ol pat on the head.
Not bad for one week. Jeez she is growing fast too.
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